Monday, October 24, 2011

Tom's 10k Trek

My step-son had a hockey tournament in Lake George, NY this weekend. There was a local 10k/5k this weekend there so we (my mom and father in-law) registered. I registered for the 10k and my mom registered for the 10k. The race was a first year race and it was SMALL. It was a great race and a beautiful course. The 5k was a loop that was uphill for 1.7 miles and flat/downhill the rest. The 10k was 2 was a hard course. I was pleased. I finished in 49:34 (8:00/mile pace) I was 1st in my age group, 5th women and 11th person overall. My kids came to watch...... this is Ally rooting me on!
Waiting at the starting line for the race to start
the finish
mile 1 7:57
mile 2 8:26
mile 3 7:21
mile 4 8:53
mile 5 8:52
mile 6 7:18
finish 49:34
I won a nice bag as an age group prize. I would definitely do this one again if I was in Lake George at the time they held it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I am back..

After having to defer the Marine Corps Marathon and the ING NYC Marathon because of lack of training. The surgery that ruined my VIA Lehigh Valley Marathon as seemed to haunt me in other ways......recently went to the chirpractor after my horrendous and painful Wineglass 1/2 marathon


Wineglass Marathon.....1:53:59. If I could of stopped at mile 2 I would of! It was terrible...calf and knee pain! Went to the Chiro, scar tissue off set my stride and was causing the pain. Now that I am back to training normally and have minimal pain....we'll see!

Rochester 1/2 marathon was a blast! This is where the calf pain started but I had fun! I guess running in a tutu makes me mile and lots of people cheer!

I had to miss the Chris Bond Run this past weekend and I was so sad! I LOVE that race and it was my first time missing it since it started! This weekend we are off to a hockey tournament for my step-son in Lake George. The fun thing is that there is a 10k there this weekend also. Also, I have begun training for the Rock-n- Roll Arizona Race. My goal is 3:35.