This is the most consistent I have been with this blog....hmmm.... It's 5 days into the new year and I am still following this resolution! GO ME !
Three things
1. I use to be way faster than I am now. I ran all through high school and college. I ran a sub 19:00 5k and a sub 40:00 10k. I use to be consistently running sub 20:00's. This was at a time in my life where everyday I had the opportunity to get up in the morning and do a morning run and had 4:00 everyday where I had practice. I had people to run with everyday and a coach who was amazing! Now, I have children to get up and ready and a job to go to. I have to get up between 4:30 and 5:00 if I want to run before the chaos of my day begins. My other option is to go after the kids go to be which is around 8:00 or to squeeze in 5 miles on my lunch. I am lucky that I have a husband who "let's" me do my long runs on the weekend. I now refer to PR's as mommy pr's because it's a whole different ballgame when you have kids to get the training in.
2. Next Thursday my husband and I will be heading to Arizona- This will be the longest we will be away from our kids since we have had them. I am nervous about being away for 5 days and being so far away if something happens. I am excited to have some alone time with my husband though. I am really excited about running the Rock-n-Roll 1/2 Marathon!
3. My surgery this summer cost me a lot of money! I had surgery this summer and my doctor accidentally punctured my bladder. It sucked! I was suppose to have a week recovery- that ended up being a week with a catheter and three weeks off from exercise and a slow comeback. I had to defer 3 marathons and have switched from the full to the 1/2 in Arizona. NYC was the most costly! They make you repay the entry my $200 from last year and then $266 this year. This NYC marathon better really be something special!