Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting for Spring

I can't wait to not have to wear "winter" running clothes. I can't wait to get out and run in some shorts and a t-shirt!!! My knee felt good enough to go for a run yesterday :) It was tight feeling but I stretched before and after and seems to be okay! I did an easy 5 miles. It was so windy and cold (27 degrees) at least it was sunny.....I thought Spring started last weekend but Mother Nature missed that memo!

You have to check out this blog that I have been following! There is an awesome giveaway!!!

Yesterday, I went with my friend Holly to Allen's Stock Farm. I piled up on some Organic meat. I bought lots of ground beef, hamburger patties, steaks, spiedies ect.... My kids loved it because they were able to play in the box..... Fighting did shortly follow......

Friday, March 25, 2011

What I Have Been Doing the Last 24 Hours

Well, good news my plantar fasciitis seems to be on hiatus for now :o) I am very happy about this. I had my last bi-weekly appointment with the podiatrist yesterday! Now, I am as needed basis!

The bad news is I now have pain in my left knee (meniscus area). I was walking down my stairs and all of the sudden I had this sharp pain. The pain is not constant but if I move quickly or bend it the wrong way I get sharp pain....this was me last night........
ice, ice and more ice. I also took alieve, wore a salon pas pain patch, and started taking glucosimine again. Here is today's treatment. I took yesterday as I rest day. I think I may try and run easy and see how it feels :(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Track is Back least today... tomorrow it may be covered in snow again :( I would of taken today as a recovery run day since I am just two days post 1/2 marathon, but with the snow that we may get I wanted a track workout.

6.1 miles

1.5 miles warm up

(goal time is in parentheses)
400- 1:39 (1:38)

800- 3:22 (3:24)

400- 1:34 (1:38)

1200- 5:16 (5:17)

400- 1:35 (1:38)
(400 jog between each)
1.6 cool down

My legs were so tired from Sunday's race but I was very pleased with how it turned out! Now I just have to finish my RR from Shamrock 1/2 Marathon and the 8k......But the 1/2 was a new PR for me :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shamrock 1/2 Marathon Race Report

Shamrock (Anthem) 1/2 Marathon 1:43:16

Overall Place: 563/6869

Gender: 134/4249

Age Group: 30/744
4:45 Alarm goes off. Time for a bagel and peanutbutter and a bottle of water. Then I crawled back into bed and reset the alarm for 6:15 (the joys of the start line being right outside the hotel). Alarm goes off again at 6:15 and I put on my gear. Check the weather 42 Degrees real feel of 35. I am in a tank top and shorts....I grabbed a pair of gloves and headed to the lobby. When I stepped of the elevator I could not believe all the people crammed in there. I checked bathroom line....LONG.....headed out to the porta potties ...LONGER.....Went back into the hotel and hopped in line with my mom.... 6:52 I finally get to the bathroom....I then headed to the corral, luckily I was in the first one so I did not have far to go. I did not warm up the way I usually would but I wasn't too worried. At 6:58 they let Team Hoyt runners go (totally inspiring!!!!) At 7 we were off.

My goal was 7:40's first 1/2 and 7:30's second 1/2

Mile 1- 7:41 Felt good stayed in a rythm.... Watched to make sure that I didn't go out to fast. The wind was tough but bearable.

Mile 2- 7:42 Still feeling good. Enjoying the run...

Mile 3-7:36 Started reading the signs....noticing some tightness in my quads but nothing serious.

Mile 4- 7:39 My quads are really tight and uncomfortable at this point but I keep pushing through

Mile 5- 7:42 Still on target. nailing the paces and quite happy

Mile 6-7:37 CarbBoom station here...went to grab one but missed and no gel for me...I was a little discourage but had to deal with it. The plan was to carry it to Mile 9 and take it there.....I did get a cup of water though.

Mile 7-7:34 My quads were still sore....I started regretting doing the 8k the day before.

Mile 8-8:11 here is where the wind really are running along the beach and it was cold and strong. My pace slowed and my mental toughness fell apart....I started slowing down and told myself as long as I was under 1:45 I was okay with it.

Mile 9- 8:14 More wind

Mile 10- 7:57 5k to go! I kept telling myself that I could right out and started to try and pick up the pace again.

Mile 11 7:54 KEEP on RUNNING

Mile 12- 8:07 1.1 miles to go I can do it!

Mile 13- 7:50The finish line looked so far away once we got onto the board walk! I kept telling myself to just keep going!!!
.1 ( .2 according to Garmin) 1:23 (7.25 pace)This is it!

total 13.2 (not horrible with the tangents) 1:43:16 and a new mommy PR

Saturday, March 12, 2011

St. Patrick's Day 4 Miler

4.0 Miles 29:19 (7:20/mile)
105/735 total
5/89 age group although I won 3rd in my age group because 2 of top 3 overall were in my age group We didn't stay for results so I didn't get my award :( ( I didn't think there was anyway I would of placed)
My mom and father in-law ran also
Well, one thing I learned from this race was to stick to the plan! I set a goal of 7:10/mile which would of given me a 28:40. Obviously I didn't do this. I am not upset at all with this race. it was a huge mommy PR for me.

The race started at 10am. We were off and I got a good start....I knew that I was out fast and I kept telling myself to slow down...I tried....It was hard when people kept flying by me though.

Mile 1 6:36 OOOPS....way faster than I should of been :( I told myself to slow it down and hold on for 2 miles so I could finish with an okay last mile . The rolling hills started after the first mile....I told myself cruise up and make up ground on the down

Mile 2 7:32 OOPS again to slow....that first mile was catching up to me. I kept telling myself 1/2 way done.... the hills continue :/

Mile 3 7:38 Really at this point I was so tired from going out at 6:36 I just knew I had to hold on for one more mile. Another woman passed me with about .5 to go so I made myself stick to her and the last 400m I went by her

Mile 4 7:27 for a total of 29:19

It was a great run overall. Last year I ran this race and ran a 31:02 (which was a PR and has been for a year) so I now have a PR that is 1 min 41 seconds faster!!

The last 3 miles are around where I want to be in the 1/2 I am running this weekend so hopefully I can stick to the plan next time!

They had a great post- race food spread....subway, beer, bananas, oranges, orange juice, bagels, donuts....... I wasn't very hungry but enjoyed a beer.... and the kids were all there

Ally, Mike, Sam and Carson Ally and Me

Monday, March 7, 2011

An Awesome Long Run and New Running Stuff!!!

14 miles 1:54:43 8:12/mile pace

Well, I have been horrible at training this winter....not horrible at running but training most specifically hitting the long runs.... I have been such a cold weather wimp! I am running the Shamrock 1/2 in 13 datys!!! I have done a 12 miler and 14 miler....I decided that this past weekend I had to get in one more 14 miler.....I have modified my goal for this race to a sub 1:50. Well, after my long run this weekend I can lower it. I met up with Kelli, Michele, and Megan (Lady Warriors.) The 4 of us ran together on Saturday...They are all marathon training and had 20+ runs to do so I ran with them for the first 12 and then headed back to my car to finish with 14 miles....I would say it was A GREAT run!!! I feel much more ready for Shamrock 1/2 and think I am going to shoot for a sub 1:45.

I also upgraded to the Garmin 405 and I am in LOVE with it!!!

I bought it on for 184 and free 2 day shipping! I have been splurging in the running department lately...I bought the Garmin, the book Advanced Marathoning, Asics Speedstars 5 (hotpink) , 3 new running shirts, and a pair of capri running pants. I have also registered for the lehigh valley and marine corps marathons, the Boilermaker and a 1/2 marathon on May I5. I think I have to cut it back but new running stuff is so much fun! I can't to wait to race a 4 mile race in the new Speedstars this weekend!!!