Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 1 Lehigh Valley Marathon Training Complete

The first week of Marathon training is completed!

Sunday- 10.7 miles @ 8:53 pace. This was a horrible run for me....not sure if I started of too quickly and or what but I was sore and my legs were sooooo tired. A very disappointing start to the 18 week plan!

Monday- Rest

Tuesday- 4.7 miles @ 8:08 pace. Felt great. Met some ladies at 5:45am and ran with them. It felt good to run that pace!!!

Wednesday- 9 miles @ 8:54 pace. This was a nice recovery run!

Thursday- 6.7 miles @ 8:11- again some ladies at 5:45am. This run felt awesome! Really enjoyed it!

Friday- 5 miles @ 8:57 pace with the girls on the track team

Saturday- 7.56 @ 9:00 pace

Overall it was a great training week!!! Sunday I am running a 5k with the hubby! I am not racing it but hoping to pace him to a PR. This one of the only two races he will run a year so I have to do it with him!

Here are some pics that make me smile of my youngest......