Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Winning With Wellness 5k Race Report

This past weekend I ran the Winning With Wellness 5k in Winchester, Va.  We were visiting my sister and the race was close to where she lives.  I was supposed to run the Charloettesville 1/2 Marathon but with my husband's grandmother passing and having strep throat I opted to defer the race.  I am thankful the race organizers okayed this.  I ran the Kid's Mile with my daughter 1st.  She complained a lot because it was so cold and she ended up running a 10:28.

Finishing with my girl

my sister and my niece ran also

track stars!

       I wasn't sure how this race would go as I have not been motivated to run a whole lot lately.  I am nowhere close to being in shape and was coming off of strep.  I set a goal of breaking 25 minutes.  I tried to only look at my watch at the mile markers and my first mile was a 7:08.  This mile was into the wind, rolling hills and some grass.  By the end of the first mile my hips were aching.  Not sure why but ran the second mile in 7:58.  I told myself to keep pushing through the 3rd mile because I decided that I should try and get each mile under 8.  The last part continued to be rolling hills and I ran it In 7:47.  I ended up finishing in 23:15.  I was pretty happy with how it went.  The part that was most sore at the end was my right forearm.  Must of been clenching my fist because I was so cold.  I ended up with 3rd in my age group.
Any races coming up?
Ever had to skip a race for illness?


  1. Great job Amy! Wind is my enemy these days. :)
    I had to skip a race once because I was really dizzy-no idea why either. That would have been a site to see...a dizzy runner.
    My next race is the B.A.A 5k on Sunday, eeek! Have a great rest of your week.

  2. So fun your kids ran with you! They are adorable!
