Monday, January 2, 2012

Running Goals for 2012

1.Run 2012 miles- Last year I wanted to run more miles than I did but did fairly well considering August was pretty much a wash from my surgery and the doctor's error.

2. Race 200 miles- not at once but throughout the year.

3. Knock 2 states off my 50 state list.

4. Be better at cross- training and core workouts

5. Not sign up for every race and either drop to 1/2 or defer- I know that it wasn't all my fault with the surgery really messing up my training. I really do have to be more careful with clicking the registration button.

6 BQ.

7. Be a better blogger

1 comment:

  1. Nice goals Amy, the 2012 miles is one I share as well...hopefully get there. Oh, yeah and blog much much more. Good luck on the BQ and in Arizona!
